urban ku # 48

Red truck on an early spring evening • click to embiggenSpring is trying to assert itself. It can definitely be felt 'in the air'. Even though there's still good skiing on Whiteface, snow is all but gone except in higher elevations. Nice.
Word has it that my hometown golf course here in Au Sable Forks, about 2 blocks from my house, is open. Nice.
I haven't beem able to answer any comments over the last 4-5 days (or check out if the golf course really is open) because I'm cramming - trying to get the Summer Guide out on schedule. I'm mere single-digit hours from mission accomplished. Nice.
Now, if they can just schedule the press run (in Pittsburgh, PA) to coincide with a Penguin home playoff game, everything will be even more Nice.
Tomorrow will bring a return to my regulary scheduled program. Should be Nice.
Reader Comments (2)
Thanks Landon (seriously)
as Frank Burns says, "It's so nice to be nice to the nice."