Melissa ~ 31 days - meaning #4

To be honest, I just think these two look good together. I suppose the photo of me could be a "what the heck happened to the nice weather" look.(to coincide with the left photo) Really, it's just a "there's a huge effing spider staring at me and I'm going to go lock myself in my bedroom" look. I could not be serious at all for my sp(spider distraction), so this one will have to do.
Inspired. This is what happens when watching the new NIN dvd all afternoon. Thanks Kat! ;)
A simple girl taking simple pictures. That's how Melissa, who hails from the UK, describes herself in her flickr profile - nothing more, nothing less. Simple.Aaron directed our attention to Melissa in his comment on urban ku # 40. He thought (apparently) that her work fit into Ian P.'s notion of 'art unit'- picture + words (Featured Comment - urban ku # 39) and Sean's notion about diptychs as a means of creating meaning (comment - urban ku # 40).
In any event, it appears that Melissa is going to attempt, in her flickr set 31 Days, to create a diptych a day for 31 days. Typically her diptychs are accompanied by diary-style words.
I'll leave it to you to determine if the words add meaning or not. Either way, let me/us know what you think.
PS: under the heading of The More You Know, The More You Know Department, it's interesting to consider that Melissa's 31 Days photographs, irrespective of her simple intentions, are, in fact, part and parcel of the filckr paradigm. I'm not going to begin to try to decipher that idea (I'm certain that someone in academia is already doing so right now) but the flickr idea of groups of flickr buddies, who find each other via key words which describe pictures and subsequently use pictures as an integral part of their communication, is fascinating.

An unforunate end to the 31 Days project. from Melissa: Unfortunately, the 31 days along with self portraits in general have gone down the pooper shooter. :( This afternoon while doing my daily errands, I was approached by a guy who specifically traveled up from London to see me. He printed out one of my photos that had a specific tag, and then decided he would just wander around looking for me. Creepy stuff.(I suppose this is what happens when posting pics on a well known site) Anyways, it got me a bit shaken up and that's the reason behind not carrying on with the 31 days.
Reader Comments (1)
It's too bad that happened --it's a great set.