ku # 465

Yesterday's ice jam in the Forks is gone, so here's yesterday's intended topic - emerging.
It's the time of year when things start to emerge from under their wintery blanket and how refreshing it is, after being layered up for winter cold, to be in the woods, lightly dressed and smelling the earth again. Melt-out is a very short 'mini-season' with its own special delights, especilly considering that mud-season comes fast on its heels.
That said, it appears that we will have 2 melt-outs this year. Tonight's forecast is for a significant winter storm - up to 18 inches in some areas.
Emerging Erratic • click on photo to embiggen itI love snow, but I'm ready for Spring. And you know Spring is in the air when you step outside with 30-month-old Hugo (in his pjs), remark how warm it is and, without missing a beat, he responds with, "Can we play golf now?"
But, thankfully, the storm will be over sometime on Saturday. On Sunday Aaron and I drive to NYC to; 1) see the Jeff Wall exhibit at MOMA, and, 2) see the Rangers play the Pittsburgh (thankfully that's finally settled) Pens at MSG, where we will be hosted by ESPN in their 'corporate box' (complete with all the catered goodies).
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