Everything and the kitchen sink

The kitchen sink • click on photo to embiggen itHey, people, is there any interest out there for a group Landscapist Photo Project?
What I am proposing is this: The theme is The Landscape of the Kitchen Sink. The objective is to create a triptych of a kitchen sink, any kitchen sink. It doesn't have to be your kitchen sink or even a residential kitchen sink. New, old, clean, dirty, abandoned, whatever.
The only triptych requirement is that the 3 photographs be related.
If there is enough interest - 10 photographers? - I'll design a The Landscape of the Kitchen Sink book in a shared folder on Shutterfly.com and the participants and anyone else who might want one can order one at any time.
And, of course, the photographs will be posted on The Landscapist.
Something just for the fun of it. Any takers?
Featured Comment: so far, 10 of you wrote (paraphrasing): "...Count me in."
publisher's comment: When I mentioned 10 photographers, I did NOT mean to limit the number of contributors to that number. As I have always stated here on The Landscapist, the more, the merrier.
Ott Luuk asked, "Is there going to be a time limit?" - answer, "No".
FYI - Squarespace allows me to set up a visitor Drop Box, which is a password-protected folder for uploading images. I will set one up for this project and send the password along to all contributors, so PLEASE BE CERTAIN TO SEND ME YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS if you have never corresponded with me via email.
Featured Comment: Ana wrote, "...I wouldn't mind seeing other people's outtakes in addition to the final triptych. (I'm putting mine on flickr. ) It's too $@^ cold to play in the ocean, so I guess I'm getting my water fix here..."
publisher's comment: Good ideal Ana (but then I wouldn't expect anything less from an art student). What I find interesting about your approach to this project is how you will explore your sink over time with a number of picturing sessions. Me, I'll probably just wait and watch until the conditions are right and then pop off a series which will most probably be a one-shot, done deal.
Reader Comments (12)
Sure, I'll bite. I'm game for about anything, especially if it involves staying inside in this weather.
Great idea. Sinks from all over the world, I'll join.
Count me in! ...side that is......
Heh. Sure!
Sounds interesting and warmer than outside.
if there is room for dark, dingy, decaying dormant sinks...I'm in.
I've just discovered The Landscapist. Nice work! Count me in :)
The Sinkist?
Sounds like an excellent project. Is there going to be a time limit? I`d take a stab at this but I`m all film at the moment and getting from the first click of the shutter to a scanned and finished file takes... um... days?... a week?
Count me in also - I'm a sucker for on line projects.
Fun idea! I'd love to participate.
I am thinking of doing the same sink, after gravitas spent the day blogging.
BTW, I wouldn't mind seeing other people's outtakes in addition to the final triptych. (I'm putting mine on flickr. ) It's too $@^ cold to play in the ocean, so I guess I'm getting my water fix here...