urban ku # 157 ~ snow removal

The pile at the end of the driveway • click to embiggenI thought that this picture gives a new meaning to the wife's 'request' that I go out and shovel the pile at the end of the driveway.
On urban ku # 155, Don commented that "We didn't get as much as you, about 14 inches, but people ... shopped for food like the world was coming to an end..."
According to our newspaper, people 'round here shopped exactly the same way - as if the world were coming to an end - which makes me wonder why it is that you need to stock up on food if the world is coming to an end.
Reader Comments (3)
I am from the Southern part of the United States and we get very few snow events each winter. We have always been lead to believe that our neighbors to the North do not panic when it snows. However, from what you and Don have said recently it appears that we Southerners do not have a lock on this snow induced madness. Thanks for making me feel a little bit better here in Tennessee.
A Christmas tip: if you want to photograph decay and serendipitous juxtaposition, find out where they are getting rid of that snow. Our town's dumping point is a treasure trove of odd flotsam, muddy slime and wierd vegetation patterns.
Not only do they shop like it's the end of the world, but they shop primarily for white things: toilet paper, white bread, eggs, milk. What's up w/ that?