urban ku # 155 ~ a big storm

Big snow storm • click to embiggenIt's should be no secret to anyone on my side of the oceans that a huge winter storm has swept across the US from the central plains to New England. It hit us during Saturday night and all day and well into the night on Sunday. Throughout that time it just kept snowing and snowing.
We had some high winds and freezing rain thrown into the mix but, for the most part, there was little if any infrasture damage. So most people stayed warm and safe at home while the road crews worked round the clock.
Reader Comments (4)
We got ours on the Pacific Northwest coast as rain. Record floods, counties in a state of emergency, people with 5 feet of water in their homes. Interstate 5 under 10 feet of water, causing people to go an additional 4 hours of driving to get around the flooded area. Is it just me or are the storms more ravaging lately?
Is it just me or are the storms more ravaging lately?
Jim - according to current global warming theory, some of us are to have the same annual amount of snowfall / rain. However it will come in fewer but more violent and concentrated doses. We'll see.
That said, our storm is one of the few 'biggies' that we have had over the past few winters.
We didn't get as much as you, about 14 inches, but people still drove stupidly, shopped for food like the world was coming to an end and the Albany news channels hyped every snowflake that fell.
"the Albany news channels hyped every snowflake that fell."
My answer: turn the AH's off.