Decay # 7(a) ~ Asparagus # 2

Asparagus # 2 * click to embiggenWhat a difference a day makes. I can see now that one of the keys to getting it 'right', decay-wise, is to keep these things hanging around and observing and picturing the process of decay.
The objective would still be to have one final picture for each object of decay. However, it seems that due to my inexperience in matters of decay, it's to my advantage to have pictures of various stages of decay from which to pick my final image. As an example, I have yet to discard the pepper / banana / wishbone ensemble and I'm liking it more and more with each passing day.
On the subject of the Decay series, Kent Wiley wrote; " Is the series confined to the plate on the countertop beside the sink? If so, my imagination is a lot worse than what could ever be "acceptable" in the kitchen."
Hey, Kent let your imagination roam free. Mine is. The series will not be confined to things that fit on the plate. Decay # 4 is an example of that, and I already have the hunting / trapping guy saving all manner of things that will fit quite neatly in the coutertop space normally occupied by the plate.
I will, no doubt, be doing a lot of scrubbing and using a lot of disinfectant.

Reader Comments (4)
you said: "What a difference a day makes"...
literally...aren't you relying somewhat on natural light from your kitchen window? it looks as if the reflection of the window is on the plate in each image. That means then that besides the weather you are doing this like clockwork at a certain time as well?
unless that's not the window that is reflecting in the exact same spot on every image? or maybe it is and you are shooting the decay in the garage and superimposing it onto the same empty plate you shot once?
Hi Mark,
i do really love the theme/subject/idea and the result (your pictures) is quite captivating.
Interesting for sure to see the evolution of that work in progress at different levels... as you know.
Nevertheless I see limitation in the "radiance of the meanings" with the visual approach choosen here.
Probably just because I see the context around the decay... the kitchen beeing so clearly identifiable.
I see this as pictures of diner plates taken a bit lately...!
Someone asked how far will you go with this???
As it is right now, I personally care a little about the level of decay"ness"in the plate because I see the surrounding /supporting /reassuring clean, solid kitchen counter and porcelain plate.
Wich doesn't contribute much to the "cinematic" aspect of the project...(it could if we'd see more of the scene around)I think, because we know the context but we don't see much of it big difference from one shot to another. With the series growing and changing I would appreciate more the balance(your choice) in the presence of the context/drama and the power of the decay "himself"...
I'll stay tuned for sure to see how and where it goes.
Love the reminds me of the marsh, and wet lands pictures we are used to make.
See you
The Hunting/Trapping Guy...that's what I thought, and it makes me wonder still more and more. I can't imagine this is going to sit well with "The Wife" whatsoever. Good luck Mark. We'll understand if the project gets moved to the garage, where it probably belongs, despite the beauty of the composition beside the sink, with checkerboard tiles at the bottom of each and every frame.