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« ku # 493-95 ~ a frenzy | Main | civilized ku # 63 ~ I Luv NY »

ku # 492 ~ I Luv NY, pt. 2

Stump with orange fungusclick to embiggen
Re: complexity, James wrote about I Luv NY (pt.1 - the previous entry) that simplifying it would be "...removing the entire experience of exploring this place visually over time through the artist."

He also wrote; "...Isn't it interesting to pay attention to how your eye moves from one area to the next and how even that can change your experience or the "subject" as you uncover details? The more of this the better as far as I am concerned...I also think the real challenge is showing more and still making it feel like less...

Both of these statements are great observations, but I think his last statement is best - "I prefer to focus on the story that unfolds as you spend time with the work itself. A certain level of complexity allows for this I think and moves us away from the quick "wow factor" that we've come to demand and then just as quickly forget about."

And, in answer to his question - "It also respects your audience just a bit more, don't you think?", all I can give is resounding "yes".

Thanks, James.

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