urban ku # 121 ~ the village idiot

The village idiot • click to embiggenEvery small village charter has a mandate that the village have at least one designated village idiot (it has been my experience that some villages go way beyond the minimum). An interesting case in point in my village is one of a local-boy-makes-good type idiot, hereafter referred to as LBMG/I.
It seems that LBMG/I has made quite a bundle as the founder/proprietor of a company that operates in some segment of the health care industry, the net result of which is a net/gross of more money than he knows what to do with. Actually, that's not entirely true - one thing he does know about what to do with too much money is to spend it on quite a number of things that consume petrol. LBMG/I has acquired a fair number of motorized things.
One example is pictured here. Of all of the street vehicles he owns, this is the one he chooses on a Saturday morning to drive the 2 blocks between the local diner and one of his houses
Bigger is better • click to embiggen - most likely the house also pictured here - his primary bachelor residence.
However, in all fairness, it must be said that LBMG/I, in an apparent attempt to mitigate his conspicuous consumption persona, did acquire a piece of derelict property and donate it to the town for $1.00. The town razed the wreck and a group of citizens organized a fundraiser in order to construct the Village Clock (Pocket) Park visible just beyond the Hummer in the above picture. The park is also now the home of the village Xmas tree.
Reader Comments (1)
Reminds me of a Van Morrison song . . .
Did you see the lad, on the corner
He was standing drinking wine
Wears his overcoat in the summer
And short sleeves in the winter time
Takes his holidays, down at the bookies
Well he knows how to pick a horse
Village tramping round the countryside
He wears a smile, but he doesnt say much
Village idiot, hes complicated
Village idiot, simple mind
Village idiot, he does know something
But hes just not saying
Dont you know hes onto something
You can see it, you can see it in his eyes
Sometimes he looks so happy
As he goes strolling by
Oh village idiot, hes complicated
Village idiot, hes got a simple mind
Village idiot, must know something
But hes just not saying
Well you all know hes onto something
You can see it in his eyes
Sometimes he looks so happy
When he goes walking by