a very old urban ku # 21

A trip back in time - click on photo to embiggen it On the trip back from south Jersey yesterday, we finally had the opportunity to introduce my grandson Hugo to his namesake's house - the Hugo Freer (my 14xgreat grandfather) house in New Paltz, NY. Hugo Freer and 11 other Huguenots founded the village of New Paltz 1677. Today Huguenot Street is the oldest continuously inhabited street in America with its original houses. Hugo Freer's house dates to 1692.
I especially like visiting the house at night when I seem to be better able to sense the presence of things past. Hugo (28 months old) seemed to be more interested in standing on the front seat and "driving" the car. He'll be back again many times and I'm sure that he'll grow to appreciate his connection to something special.
Reader Comments (1)
Kevin Schlosser is doing a bunch of photos with car lights on subjects like this. It has an eerie voyeuristic/stalker like feeling about it?