Rt. 86 ~ Wilmington, NY - in the Adirondack Park • click to embiggen
Rt. 86 # 2 ~ Wilmington, NY - in the Adirondack Park • click to embiggenIt has been fashionable, especially in academic circles, to state that photographs are not "true", or, rather that all photographs "lie".
This notion is based on the undeniable fact that picture makers make a wide variety of choices in the making of their pictures. Choices involving POV, lens selection, processing techniques, and, of course, what they decide to include within or exclude beyond a picture's frame. In addition, the notion of time, as in capturing (in most cases) just a fraction of a second thereof, is often cited as another "choice" which fractures the time continuum which we all know and love.
All of the above (and more) are considered to be "distortions" of the real/true and, therefore, the conclusion is that, de facto, all photographs distort the real/true. For some, this is proof positive that photographs can not be "true", "truthful" or accurate representations of the real.
To be certain, some picture makers do employ lens which introduce optical distortion. Others process their pictures to the point of unreal-ness. Some are expert at seamlessly integrating into / removing elements from a picture. In those cases, the resultant pictures do not accurately represent what the human eye sees and could, without a doubt, be considered to be distortions of the real/true or, at the very least, "stretching" the real/true for "artistic" effect.
OK, but what about those pictures made by those who use the medium and its apparatus to capture / record exactly (inasmuch as the medium and its apparatus allow) what their eyes see?
IMO, such pictures are, indeed true and accurate representations of the real.
nota bene ... It should go without stating, that a representation of a thing is not the thing itself - it is a facsimile of that which it illustrates. However, a facsimile is not necessarily a distortion of that which it represents. Some are, some aren't. Unfortunately, in case of photographs, it's not always easy to tell which pictures are true and which are distortions.
In many cases, where distortions are not visually obvious - wide angle lens distortion, saturation well beyond the real, color / WB distortions, and cock-eyed tonal values, to name just a few - the viewer must rely on the stated intentions and known methodology of a picture maker's use of the medium and its apparatus. Again unfortunately, such information is often not available or stated and in those cases it is up to a viewer's trained eye - a through knowledge of the medium and its apparatus is very helpful - to make a judgment. Some knowledge / experience, re: the pictured referent, is also very helpful but not always necessary.
In any event, while it is apparent that photographs can lie/distort, that fact does not mean that all photographs lie or distort. To assume that all photographs lie or distort is, IMO, a bit like throwing out the baby with the bath water.
Any thoughts / opinions?