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civilized # 2592 ~ the Great Room

The Great Room ~ Newcomb, NY - in the Adirondack PARK • click to embiggen
Now that I've broken out of the 20mm box, I am able to make pictures which represent a greater swath of a given referent. In this case, the referent is the Great Room at Rist Camp.

In the Adirondack camp tradition, the Great Room nomenclature refers to the main room of a camp which, in the case of the Great Camps, is truly great indeed. Rooms into which the entire Rist Camp would easily be accommodated, in some examples 2 side-by-side Rist Camps could be accommodated with room to spare.

By those standards, the Rist Camp Great Room is rather modest but, as is d'riguer in most Adirondack camps, there is an impressive fireplace which is the centerpiece of the room.


ku # 1253-54 civilized # 2590-91 ~ this and that, lens wise

Sunday evening ~ Newcomb, NY - in the Adirondack PARK • click to embiggen
Saturday evening ~ Newcomb, NY - in the Adirondack PARK • click to embiggen
Tabletop stuff ~ Newcomb, NY - in the Adirondack PARK • click to embiggen
Couch stuff ~ Newcomb, NY - in the Adirondack PARK • click to embiggen
On Sunday evening I stepped outside of the box - in this case, the box is my µ4/3 20mm prime lens - and mounted my 11-22mm 4/3 Zuiko lens.

The Sunday picture was made @ 11mm. The Saturday evening picture was made using my 45mm µ4/3 Zuiko lens under a very overcast sky with very warm late day light and a dense atmospheric fog/mist. A kind of light which I have always refered to as "Hobbit Light".

Both pictures were made from the same vantage point on the Rist Camp front porch.


civilized ku # 2585-89 ~ life is good

Return to Paradise ~ Newcomb, NY - in the Adirondack PARK • click to embiggen
Camp visitor (Wolf spider?) ~ Newcomb, NY - in the Adirondack PARK • click to embiggen
Hugo skates ~ Rochester, NY - • click to embiggen
Hugo scores ~ Rochester, NY - • click to embiggen
Morning fog ~ Rochester, NY - • click to embiggen
Arrived back at Rist Camp yesterday evening after 5 days in Rochester with Hugo for his hockey camp. The camp was a success as can be partly evidenced by the above picture which is a faithful representation of his execution of a nice deek which got the goalie moving laterally, after which Hugo beat him like a rented mule by tickling the twine. The goalie did not know whether to cry or wind his watch.

While in Rochester, I had a nice but quick lunch with John Linn along with visits to a number friends, drank some beer, went to a minor league baseball game, played golf with some old guys, gave the X-wife some what-for, and wrapped up the trip with a visit to Wegmans where I secured a mother lode of Zweigles and snickerdoodles, thus making the trip a complete success.

It's raining and overcast today, making it a perfect day for relaxing in front of a warm fire to take off the dampness - not to mention the warm glow of the tv screen with a Notre Dame football game on broadcast - and just hanging out while the wife waits on me, hand-and-foot, as I recover from a somewhat hectic 5 days and recoup my Adirondack equilibrium.

BTW, the spider, whatever its nomenclature might be, is approx. 2 inches in size, tip-to-tip.


civilized ku # 2584 ~ wild, but not so wild

Wild deer ~ Main Street/ Old Forge, NY - in the Adirondack PARK • click to embiggen
Sunday evening, on my drive through the Adirondack PARK to Rochester, Hugo and I came upon a fawn feeding in someone's lawn. Mom and sibling were not in sight.

We stopped the car, got out, and approached the fawn. Hugo stayed low and moved right up to the fawn which came right over to Hugo and sniffed his hand. At that point mom and another fawn appeared on the scene and mom approached Hugo to sniff his hand. Finding nothing to eat on offer, they all turned there attention back to feeding on the lawn.

Obviously, these deer are very acclimated to humans. These are not the only deer I have seen grazing on the lawns of Main Street, most often in the dead of night. I think the village of Old Forge as an entity and its inhabitants are, at the least, tolerating this situation, if not outright encouraging it, as tourist attraction.

The situation gives rise to many questions.


civilized ku # 2582-83 / ku # 1255-62 ~ Jimmi Nuffin's first beaver dam and other Newcomb delights

My intention was to post most of these pictures in separate entries but I have so many new pictures from my stay here at Rist Camp that I'd never get through them all if I did that.

From top to bottom:

2 redux on my first nite life entry
a late day look at the birch that will be the subject of an extended body of work
4 pictures of the marshy wetland below the first beaver dam Jimmi Nuffin had ever seen
the birch again, this time in the rain
the wife on her hammock
rain and mist over Lake Harris (view from Rist Camp porch)
2 pictures of reflections in the front windows ar Rist Camp

Much more to come.


ku # 1253 ~ nite life in the woods # 2

3AM full moon ~ Rist Camp / Newcomb, NY - in the Adirondack PARK • click to embiggen
Woke up last night about 3AM to make water and I noticed that it was rather bright outside, hence the picture.

The picture required a fair amount of processing in order for it to look like night time as opposed to a night-for-day kinda of look which is the de rigueur look which seems to be the preferred look of most night time landscape picture makers.

FYI, my first from Rist Camp iPad picture processing and posting, civilized ku # 2575-79 ... et al, was less than successful inasmuch as the app I was using - photogenie - isn't very good at downsampling files for use on the web. Things get a bit unsharp which kinda sucks. So I tried another app - photoforge - which does a fine job of downsampling but not so good at preserving the density / tonal quality of the processed image.

Each app has various processing capabilities that the other does not - photogenie has burn, dodge, and cloning tools whereas photoforge does not. Photoforge has layers which photogenie does not. Photoforge also has an equivalent of the PS History Palette which is a very useful capability. There are other differences as well.

Consequently, my current iPad processing workflow is to start out with photogenie, save and open in photoforge for further processing. After processing and downsampling in photoforge, I have created a workaround using Curves in photoforge which preserves the tonal quality of the file for use on the web.


(totally) civilized ku # 2580-81 ~ night life in the woods

The wife and the fireplace ~ Rist Camp / Newcomb, NY - in the Adirondack PARK • click to embiggen
Lamp, easy chairs, raccoon ~ Rist Camp / Newcomb, NY - in the Adirondack PARK • click to embiggen


(totally) civilized ku # 2575-79 / ku # 1251-52 ~ Eden, Nirvana, Paradise, Shangri-La, Elysian Fields ... 

Rist Camp porch ~ Newcomb, NY - in the Adirondack PARK • click to embiggen
Rist Camp porch ~ Newcomb, NY - in the Adirondack PARK • click to embiggen
View from Rist Camp Porch # 1 ~ Newcomb, NY - in the Adirondack PARK • click to embiggen
View from Rist Camp Porch # 2 ~ Newcomb, NY - in the Adirondack PARK • click to embiggen
On the Rist Camp fireplace mantle # 1 ~ Newcomb, NY - in the Adirondack PARK • click to embiggen
On the Rist Camp fireplace mantle # 2 ~ Newcomb, NY - in the Adirondack PARK • click to embiggen
Poised on a Rist Camp cabinet ~ Newcomb, NY - in the Adirondack PARK • click to embiggen
.... pick one if you must but, as far as I'm concerned, any one name / title describes where I'm staying for better part of the next 5 weeks. And, IMO,this place makes the South Jersey Shore seem like Hades, the Infernal Region, Gehenna, Hell, the Abyss (pick one).....

FYI, these pictures are iPad processed and subject to change. I'll be returning home for a day on Wednesday and will redux these then. In any event, I'm pretty certain you get the picture.