civilized ku # 2678-84 ~ there and back again

camera strap with candle ~ New Haven, Connecticut • click to embiggen
wedding ~ New Haven, Connecticut • click to embiggen
wedding picturing ~ New Haven, Connecticut • click to embiggen
organ ~ New Haven, Connecticut • click to embiggen
organist ~ New Haven, Connecticut • click to embiggen
wedding reception wall ~ New Haven, Connecticut • click to embiggen
wedding reception dance ~ New Haven, Connecticut • click to embiggenAfter barely recovering from our 1400 mile road trip to Washington, DC, it was off to New Haven, Connecticut for a wedding. And, being a glutton for driving punishment, I invited one of the wedding guests from Italy, Giuliano - the groom is from Italy - up to our house for a visit. So tomorrow it's off to Albany to pick him up.
Giuliano is a young man on a mission to jump start a career in picture making. He approached me at the wedding reception and we had a long chat, starting with his questions about my cameras. During the conversation, he mentioned that he was not returning to Italy for a few weeks so he could spend time in NYC checking out the photo scene (before moving on to Texas where he is meeting up with his girlfriend - a member of a dance troupe performing in Texas) and it wasn't long before, he realized that he could not pass up the opportunity to spend some time with The Landscapist and The Cinemascapist.
FYI, the camera strap with candle picture: I have often heard from some the words, "It looks like your camera shutter went off by mistake", spoken while viewing some of my pictures. Although, most times, those words are followed by, "I like it. Don't know why, but I like it."
However, in this particular case, the shutter release was indeed inadvertently activated. A sort of cellphone-butt-dialing picturing equivalent. Nevertheless, I like it. Don't why, but I like it. And, the auto focus placed the focus exactly where I would have placed it had I actually been in control of the picture making event.