urban ku # 142 ~ it's back ... again

Last evening snowfall • click to embiggenSo, yesterday we made of list of picture types some of us would most like not to see. Of special note was the list of Paul Maxim which was essentially a list of all of my recent picture entries here on The Landscapist.
That said, let's consider the opposite - picture types you would like to see. Well, not exactly what you would like to see, more like what you are going to see.
It seems that it's the season for exhibitions and periodical articles regarding the works of 'emerging' or 'new' photographers. Amongst others, MoMA has the New Photography 2007 exhibit and American Photo has an article, Emerging Artists 2007.
The NY Times panned the MoMA show. As for the American Photo piece, IMO, there are some interesting works in the collection. I especially like the pictures of Amy Stein. Her Domesticated series, wherein she explores mankind's relationship with the natural world and its "wild" creatures, is especially good. Her Stranded series about motorists encountered on the sides of roads ain't bad either.
One notable thing about the 15 photographers in Emerging Artists 2007 is that at least 3 of them, including Amy Stein, are staging 'events' and photographing them. This picturing MO is a relatively recent thing in photography (Art-wise) and a number of photographers and/or Artists who use photography are using this technique as their primary means of expression.
It's kind of an 'in thing'.
Speaking of which, our own Aaron Hobson (a chip off my old block) has been selected (1 0f 12) to paricipate in The Center for Fine Art Photography (at the Museum of Contempory Art in Boulder, Colorado) 2008 Portfolio Show, which is another look at some of the stuff you might be seeing more of, like it or not.
I'm not surprised Aaron is doing so well. All you have to do is read what Italy's leading daily newspaper, La Repubblica, had to say about his pictures -
"It's a different way, harsh and merciless, to narrate America. Aaron Hobson's shots do not admit replies. The idea of linking this Country with happyness and great opportunities clashes with reality. And you can live in a metropolis or in the suburbs, or even worse, in some desolate land. Colors, dark tones and subject are all together the result of a complete story. The "strip" of images that we present in this gallery are a small masterpiece of technique and visual writing as are the other works of this artist as well, who is one of the best talents in America. Not to miss his website."
I guess we'll be seeing more of his stuff as well.