diptych # 163 / civilized ku # 2976-77 ~ 50 years ago, football humor and the Obama Special

my picture at 50 year high school reunion ~ Rochester, NY • click to embiggen

sign / Half Pint Pub ~ Rochester, NY • click to embiggen

Obama Special / Obama visits Magnolia Cafe ~ Magnolia Cafe / Rochester, NY • click to embiggen
Some of the guys (no girls - private all boys prep school) were immediately recognizable, some not so much. It took a special talent to read a name tag unnoticed while simultaneously saying, "Hey (insert name here), long time no see." I successfully pulled it off a few times. Of course, no one had a problem identifying me (he wrote, tongue in cheek wise). That was attributable to my former status as the class-leading instigator of various shenanigans, my athletic success (football Hall of Fame inductee / captain of the wrestling team) and the fact that, over the school years, my artistic talent was much sought after for making one-off illustrations for paper book covers, school posters and the like. That written, there was one guy, name tag or not, who no one (at least in my clique) could remember. That's no small feat considering he spent 4 years in a class which had only 180 graduates. Perhaps he should consider writing a book about blending in with the wallpaper. Then there was the guy (freshman home room classmate) whom every one remembered, if not by face then by his legendary status. This despite the fact that he was kicked out the school (nevertheless, he regularly shows up at class events) about 1/2 way through our freshman year - one day he created such a disruption in math class that the teacher picked up his desk with him in it and threw it into the hallway. Such is the stuff of legends. The only downside to the weekend was my frustration caused by my lack of success in acquiring a T-shirt which was worn by nearly every student at the Friday night homecoming football game. The shirt was yellow-gold with black type (school colors) and it read, Women desire us. Men envy us, on the front with a big bold M (school name - McQuaid Jesuit HS) on the back. This from a school with a student body athletic cheer (at least during my era) - employed on those rare occasions when we were losing a sporting event - That's all right. It's OK. You'll be working for us one day.