picture windows ~ this is a quiz - no right answers, no wrong answers. there are only answers

Hotel window ~ Cherry Hill, NJ • click to embiggen
Hotel window ~ Binghamton, NY • click to embiggen
Bedroom window ~ Brooklyn, NY • click to embiggen
Loft building window ~ Montreal, CA • click to embiggen
Hotel window ~ Lake Placid, NY • click to embiggenPLEASE RESPOND There is a very specific reason for this quiz which will be revealed in an entry on Monday or Tuesday next.
I am allowing some time before the explanatory entry in order to allow for as many answers as possible because, IMO, the more answers there are, the more interesting and revelatory my explanatory entry can be. PLEASE RESPOND
And rest assured, no one will be graded on their answers because there are no right or wrong answers, there are only answers. In fact, it could be honestly written that every answer will be a right answer. PLEASE RESPOND
In order for you to answer, there must be a question. So, without further ado ...
What do see, taken as a group, in these pictures beyond their referent of visual record?
In others words, what do you "see" beyond the pictured subject? Or, what do you think these pictures are about, re: the inferred or the implied? PLEASE RESPOND
FYI, I "see" nothing beyond the visual is a very acceptable answer. On the other hand, Who gives shit? or Who cares? is not, simply because everyone should already know the answer to those questions - I do.
BTW, did I mention, PLEASE RESPOND?
Reader Comments (21)
I see a series about windows, window settings and what's seen through them. And, by extension, framing within the frame becomes a very strong element.