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« civilized ku # 2092 ~ seeing red / or any color for that matter | Main | civilized ku # 2086 ~ one of these things is not like the other »

civilized ku 2087-91 ~ anything for hockey

Between periods / Saranac Lake HS vs Lake Placid HS ~ 1932 Olympic Rink - Lake Placid, NY - in the Adirondack Park • click to embiggen1044757-16786766-thumbnail.jpg
Snowy drive # 1 ~ Au Sable Forks > Lake Placid, NY - in the Adirondack Park • click to embiggen
Snowy drive # 2 ~ Au Sable Forks > Lake Placid, NY - in the Adirondack Park • click to embiggen
Snowy drive # 3 ~ Au Sable Forks > Lake Placid, NY - in the Adirondack Park • click to embiggen
Snowy drive # 4 ~ Au Sable Forks > Lake Placid, NY - in the Adirondack Park • click to embiggen
Last Thursday evening, I drove into Lake Placid to meet up with the Cinemascapist and Hugo to attend a high school hockey playoff game. There was a bit of a snow storm that made the driving interesting although I thought it made for nice pictures.

Re: nice pictures - as most know, I'm not one for gear talk but, giving credit where credit is due, one of the things I really like about µ4/3 gear is the small / lightweight / fast prime lenses that are available (with even more on the way). I truly appreciate these little gems.

Currently, I have 4 of these primes (1 is a 4/3 lens that I use with an adapter) and I plan to add 2 more - either the 12mm f2 or the 14mm f2.5 and the soon to be available 75mm f1.8. Once that plan is complete, I'll have a system very much like my Nikon F3/FM system (that would be the system that sits around unused), a system that was a delight to use but was a pain in the ass, figuratively speaking (a pain in neck and shoulders, literally speaking) to carry around.

FYI, it's also worth noting that the Nikon system would not have given me the opportunity to make the snowy drive pictures. Chances are good that I would not have had a fast enough film in the cameras for the light conditions and, even if I had a fast film in the bag, there was no way I could have changed it on the fly, as I did with the ISO setting on the Oly E-P(x).

And then there is the matter of the in-camera IS - these pictures were made with a 1/13 shutter speed, hand-held (with 1 hand while driving with the other hand). I seriously doubt there would have been any non-camera shake / blurred pictures if I had been using the Nikons.

BTW, lest it be said that I am a Oly µ4/3 fan-boy, let me state, "Long live compact mirrorless cameras with fast primes and in-camera IS."

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