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This blog is intended to showcase my pictures or those of other photographers who have moved beyond the pretty picture and for whom photography is more than entertainment - photography that aims at being true, not at being beautiful because what is true is most often beautiful..

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Entries from November 1, 2007 - November 30, 2007


FYI ~ Wildness Close to Home Gallery is open

I have finally set up the new Wildness Close to Home Gallery. A link to the gallery is on the Navigation sidebar.

Over the next day I will be sending out emails with login info and posting instructions to those who asked to participate . If you asked to participate but DO NOT receive an email within the next day, please email me again.

Hope you've all been out picturing and have lots to post.


Boxing gloves ~ 2 views

Boxing glovesclick to embiggen
2 variations for an assignment to create an illustration for a magazine article titled Vanishing Gyms. The assignment was for one picture but they ended up using both. The manipulated Polaroid was used as the feature picture and the 'straight' Polaroid was used on a sidebar.

I literally have 100s of Polaroids in a couple boxes that I must do something about. Fortunately, they are virtually indestructible.


big things in small packages

beachstump.jpgThe boy when he was a boy

In addition to the boy's show, I visited a number of other shows - Ed Burtynsky's Quarries, Prabuddha Dasgupta's Longing, Alison Carey's Organic Remains of Former World, and few others. I'll be writing about all them shortly.

I felt privileged to see all of them - in each case, I felt as though the artist had invited me into their private world to share a few secrets. This was especially true of Longing. My other son, Jason, and I were alone in the gallery and I had sought out the owner/gallery director to ask a few questions. After just one question, she asked me, "Why not ask the photographer? I'll go get him." We had a delightful conversation about which I will write later on.

The biggest and best 'priviledge' of the day was none of the above. It came when I stumbled upon the exhibit The Polaroids by Andre Kertesz. It's no secret that I really love the Polaroid medium, so to wander through an exhibit of Polaroids made by one of the seminal figures in the history of photography was a pure delight.

As is my wont, I browsed the exhibit before seeking out the exhibition intro. This is my standard MO - look at the images first to get a first impression and then learn more about the artist's intent and read what others might have to say about it. Again, it's no secret that I think pictures without words - not captions, but artist statements, etc. - are only part of the game and The Polaroids exhibit is a case in point.

The pictures, in and of themselves, were visually interesting and intriguing - especially so because of recurring pieces of glass forms including one in particular. The pictures were very warm, intimate and primarily on a smallish scale. All of this created a feeling of a glimpse into a private/personal 'intimacy'. Very, very nice.

What I didn't know, and could not know, from just viewing the pictures was that 'following the loss of his wife Elizabeth to lung cancer in 1977, and nearing the end of his own life, Kertész was admittedly a broken man.

Alone and in New York, a city in which he never felt fully embraced, Kertész would once again retreat into the safe confines of his Fifth Avenue apartment overlooking Washington Square Park. Fortunately, it was the inspiration found in a small glass bust, discovered in the window of a local bookshop, whose figure reminded him of his late wife, which would trigger the artist’s remarkable recovery process. The resultant body of work is now the focus of this unique exhibition.

Turning to a relatively new technology, the Polaroid SX-70, Kertész worked through his overwhelming grief, obsessively shooting the bust alone and placing it among other artifacts he and Elizabeth had collected together over the years. Taken from within his apartment, he photographed many of these still-lifes by placing personal objects against cityscape backgrounds, which were often reflected and modulated by glass surfaces ... ' - from the exhibit press release

It should go without saying that, after reading the press release, the pictures took on a whole expanded meaning. They were no longer 'just' visually interesting and intriguing pictures. For me, knowing what I now knew, the pictures became (as the press release also stated) '... powerful metaphorical and literal symbols of life, love, loss, death and mortality.'

IMO, pictures without words are 'just' pictures. They may be visually pleasing and a delight to the eye and even, to certain extent, the mind and the soul but knowing, at the very least, intent of the maker can enrich the pictures to an incredible degree.

FYI - a couple points of interest. The SX 70 camera was a gift to Kertesz from Graham Nash of the famed Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young and who, in addition to being a musician, is also a photographer and collector.

The Polaroids themselves were for sale. They were from the estate of Kertesz. What I found interesting about this is that, of course, the Polaroids were truly limited editions of 1. No negatives. No reprints. Nada. 1 and only 1. When they're gone (sold), they're gone. That's why I purchased the book. You should too. PS The book costs under $30. 1 original Polaroid costs $9,000. Take your pick.

I was also immediately struck by the coincidence that another seminal figure in the history of photography, Walker Evans, also received as a gift (from a dentist who was doing dental work for Evans in exchange for prints), a Polaroid SX 70 - a camera which he also used for a few years at the end of his life to create a significant body of work which, like Kertesz, was also his last.


civilized ku # 60 ~ New York, New York pt. III

Hugo and the meat eatersclick to embiggen
Hugo never made it to his dad's exhibit. He was having too much fun with his girfriend who lives in Brooklyn. Who wants to go to a photo exhibit when you can end up sharing a bed with a girl? Not me.

On Friday, Hugo had a whirlwind tour of NYC - not his first - that included the American Museum of Natural History (which he really enjoyed), his first subway ride (5 of them), Times Square and a ferris wheel ride in the Toys R Us store, and a few good looks at the King Kong building - the Empire State building which he recognizes as the place where the airplanes shot King Kong.

He had a great time. A much better time, in fact, than a few of the hung-over adults dragging their sorry asses around behind him.


civilized ku # 59 ~ New York, New York pt. II

Aaron's opening nightclick to embiggen
Now the real game begins.

There is nothing like seeing a body of work all together on the wall(s). Even after be privy to Aaron's pictures right from the start, they really didn't hit me in the eye like a big pizza pie like they did when viewed together in a show.

An aside - IMO, if you are trying to find your voice/vision photography-wise, you must have a wall on which you can mount (tape, tack, whatever) a number of prints (of almost any size) - get as many on the wall as you can - in order to get a feel for how the 'speak' as a group.

Aaron's body of work speaks very well. While his individual images can be very interesting and engaging as 'stand-alones', their effect on the senses is magnified greatly when viewed as a whole. In a very real sense, for me, seeing the show was a 'new' look at his work. I was able to draw away from the personal connection I have to the artist and see it in a new light - something I had previously been unable to do.

I'll have much more on that topic in later post but the thing I wanted to mention today is note of encouragement to Aaron. Aaron is an impatient type - he wants everything now and I think he may have been a bit disappointed with the opening. In his head and heart I think he was hoping for a banner headline on the front page of the Sunday NY Times Art section that read something like, "NEW ART SENSATION! Gallery goers spend millions!! Ticket-tape parade planned for next week."

Needless to say, that didn't happen. What did happen was that a few more contacts were made and some more valuable feedback on the work was heard - things that, in due time, can prove to be very important. It's time (and his continued dedication to making pictures) that are the thing right now. He has accomplished extraordinary stuff in a very short period of time. It would not be inaccurate to say, an inordinate amount of stuff in a ridiculously short period of time.

Aaron's show will hang until the end of the year in a gallery that is geographically and figuratively on the very fringe of the epi-center of the Fine Art gallery world. Aaron's show is on display just a few blocks from shows of Edward Burtynsky and Andre Kertesz (more on both shows later). His pictures do not suffer by comparison - speaking metaphorically, he may not be in the same building, but he is in the same neighborhood with some mighty fine neighbors.

In addition to the aforementioned 'dedication', what Aaron needs to do is to keep the hustle going (the same one he used to get where he is now) and get out and meet the neighbors.

PS - on the subject of patience, Aaron should heed the words of his son Hugo who, on the drive to NYC with me, literally answered his own question - "Are we there yet?" - with this reply - "We'll be there when we get there." At which point, we just kept on trucking.


civilized ku # 58 ~ New York, New York

freedonutssm.jpgFree American donuts. Come and get 'em. They're fresh. They're American. They're free and they're yours. Or so the guy in the spacesuit was blarring through the megaphone. And, as it turned out, it was exactly as advertised. They tasted fresh. They were mostly likely 'American' and they were free.

This little number was cruising around the Chelsea gallery district. It was a gallery 'promo' - sort of a form of performance art I guess. We ate some donuts. We didn't go to the gallery.

PS it's well known that when I golf, I walk ... but ... if I could get my hands on one these jobs ...

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