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This blog is intended to showcase my pictures or those of other photographers who have moved beyond the pretty picture and for whom photography is more than entertainment - photography that aims at being true, not at being beautiful because what is true is most often beautiful..

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Entries from June 1, 2015 - June 30, 2015


civilized ku # 2910-13 ~ hotel ennui

hotel great room ~ Warwick, Rhode Island • click to embiggen
view from hotel window ~ Warwick, Rhode Island • click to embiggen
view of living room from hotel bedroom ~ Warwick, Rhode Island • click to embiggen
great room tv ~ Warwick, Rhode Island • click to embiggen

Some hotels are better than others when it comes to creating common space with a modicum of intimacy / people-scale-ness. The hotel in Rhode Island was not one such hotel.

Fortunately, we had suite which included a small kitchen / dining space, bedroom, bathroom with a separate vanity space, and a living room space. As a NYC apartment, the suite would probably qualify as "spacious" and cost a thousands of dollars a month to rent or, literally, a cool million to purchase. In any event, the suite provided us, ennui aside, with a space to hangout and relax without having to go to a common area to find a comfortable place to sit.

A question: Does the word "ennui" cause you look at these pictures in a manner that you might not without that word? Just wondering how much of an effect, if any, a word might have on influencing the viewing of a picture.

civilized ku # 2906-09 ~ the hustler

fighting through a hook ~ Warwick, Rhode Island • click to embiggen
face-off win against the big guy ~ Warwick, Rhode Island • click to embiggen
Mr. Hustle ~ Warwick, Rhode Island • click to embiggen
Mr. Hustle redux ~ Warwick, Rhode Island • click to embiggen

Even though Hugo's team, the Northern Vermont Wildcats, lost the tournament championship game (in a shootout), Hugo had a great tournament - 2 game winning goals, 9 points and a +6 rating. In addition, there were only 2 tournament individual awards - Best Goalie and The Hustler (bad choice of words) awards. Hugo received The Hustler award / trophy.

Next up, in 2 weeks, is the North American Prospects Showcase tournament in Buffalo, NY.

iPhone / tourist pictures

5AM / rink hallway ~ University of Rhode Island • Kingston, Rhode Island
a Vanderbilt / The Breakers ~ Newport, Rhode Islandauto museum ~ Newport, Rhode Islandship anywhere / The Breakers gift shop ~ Newport, Rhode Island


diptych # 139 ~ flying bag and the juggler illusion 

flying objects ~ New York, NY • click to embiggen

When in NYC, it's almost impossible to resist the pull of making street pictures. I would assume that to be true, at least for me, in any big city.

That written, my take on street picturing is a bit different from the "norm" inasmuch as Street Photography pictures are most often pictures which focus on the people on the street. In my case, I like to place people within the context of the street. Perhaps a better name / descriptor for my street pictures would be something along the lines of "streetscapes". In any event, when making streetscapes, I am always on the look out for situational happenstance.

In the case of this diptych, the flying bag and the illusion of a man juggling a white ball were only apparent after viewing the pictures on the camera LCD screen (chimping). These visual elements and illusions were truly an example of lucky happenstance. But of course, one makes their own luck because luck favors the prepared and I am always prepared with 2 cameras - 1 with a moderate WA lens and the other with a moderate tele lens - at hand.

Now, it's off to Rhode Island for the next installment of Hugo's hockey quest. I'll be near Boston and some other seaside cities so perhaps some more streetscape pictures will be in order. Each day, all of Hugo's hockey will be over by noon, leaving us plenty of time to explore the area.

civilized ku # 2905 ~ kicking butt and taking names

Hugo and teammate Kyle ~ Burlington, Vt. • click to embiggen

One of the 3 elite AAA Tier 1 (highest level of youth hockey) tournament hockey teams Hugo is playing with this summer is the Northern Vermont Wildcats. In a tournament this weekend past, the team competed in a tournament in Burlington, Vt.

Hugo had a great tournament, leading his team in goals and points including a semi-final game, in which his team was down 3-0 and in which he score 4 straight goals (a natural hat trick + 1) to single handedly (goal wise) lead his team to a win. 2 of those goals were scored within 12 seconds on the same shift

As result of Hugo's tournament performance, we received an email which stated (in part):

....[our organization) plan to have 2004 Premier and Elite next year. 2 teams. Premier will be our top team with Hugo and ....

This selection is great for Hugo's hockey quest inasmuch as the Northern Vermont Wildcat organization, over the last 6 years, has helped place players at the following levels in their hockey careers:

  • Players drafted/protected into the United States Hockey League (USHL) - 6
  • Players committed and/or playing NCAA Division 1 Men's College Ice Hockey - 7
  • Players committed and/or playing NCAA Men's College Ice Hockey - 34
  • Players committed and/or playing Junior A Men's Ice Hockey - 51
  • Players committed and/or playing Prep School Hockey - 67
Way to go, Hugo. Keep it up.

diptych # 138 ~ dark places

garage / subway ~ New York, NY • click to embiggen


diptych # 137 ~ the circle is complete

art maker and his art ~ here and there • click to embiggen

On very cold day in late November 2013, I was roaming the streets of Pittsburgh, PA making pictures. While doing so, I came upon a person painting / making a picture so I made a picture of the the scene. A scene which struck me (amongst other things) as an exercise in extreme dedication to craft/art.

Now, fast forward to yesterday evening when, at the dinner table, grad school-girl - formerly coma-girl - soon to be attorney-girl, presented the wife and I with a to-be-shared his-and-her's birthdays gift of a book, PITTSBURGH ~ 90 Neighborhoods. Lo and behold, the paintings were made by Ron Donoughe, none other than the earnest and dedicated painter pictured in my picture.

Nice book, nice gift with a seemingly random connection.

what is a photograph? (V2) # 17-18 ~ a new barrier

what is a photograph? # • click to embiggen
what is a photograph? # • click to embiggen

While in NYC recently, I made some pictures that some would label "street photography". In the process thereof I also made a new construction site barrier picture for use in my what is a photograph? series which continues to be a work in progress. The question now becomes, how many different construction site barriers do I need for the series?

The possible answer to that question floating around in my head is that, with the goal of creating a 20 picture body of work, I should use 5 separate construction site barriers and insert 4 square picture variations for each separate wall - essentially making 5 different yet thematically and visually similar "mini" series within the total body of work.

When it comes to picturing construction site barriers, the epicenter of those barriers is NYC where construction / renovations projects never end. While this suggests that another trip to NYC is in my near-term future, I will most likely have to only walk around a few city blocks to make more than enough barrier pictures.

FYI, see some of the barrier V1 pictures HERE
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