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This blog is intended to showcase my pictures or those of other photographers who have moved beyond the pretty picture and for whom photography is more than entertainment - photography that aims at being true, not at being beautiful because what is true is most often beautiful..

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Entries from December 1, 2009 - December 31, 2009


ku # 665 ~ it's back (finally)

Snow • click to embiggen
After a rather unusually warm - or more accurately, not really cold - November / early December, this AM brought snow, a blizzard, snowplows, school closings / delayed openings, canceled events, the wife taking the AWD vehicle to work, and so on. In other words, the whole 9 yards of normal winter stuff.


tuscany # 98 - 100 ~ variations on "the light" in Tuscana

Jewelry shops on Ponte Vecchio ~ Firenze, Tuscana• click to embiggen
Arno River from Ponte Vecchio ~ Firenze, Tuscana • click to embiggen
Arno River from Ponte Vecchio ~ Firenze, Tuscana • click to embiggen
IMO, it would be rather ludicrous to deny that light is a prime ingredient of the medium of photography. After all, the word "photography" itself comes from the Greek / Latin words for light and write, as in, writing with light. In addition, it should go without stating that, without light striking light-sensitive media, there would be no photography.

That said, I find the idea that light, because it is a prime ingredient in the process of the medium, is what photography is "about" - as in, photography is about "the light".

Picturing making is no more "about the light" than picturing painting is about the paint.

Sure enough, "the light" can (and does) have a dual role in picturing making - both as part of the process of the medium and as a potentially significant index / sign (amongst other indices / signs) regarding a picture's meaning. No question about it, but ...

... if all that a picture "is about", is "the light" ... well then ... I guess that's all its about. Which, to my eye and sensibilities, is a rather narrow emotional and intellectual framework on which to hang a hat.

Picture makers whose exclusive M.O. is that of "chasing the light" are, IMO, both intellectually and emotionally lazy - cheap-shot artists who rely on the rather easy one-trick-pony technique of a time-worn and schmaltzy / sentimentalized troupe that is guaranteed to get a pavlovian "wow" from the great unwashed masses.

Now, it must be stated that "chasing the light" is most definitely not for the physically lazy crowd nor is it recommended for the technically lazy amongst the picture making throngs. Light-chasers go to great lengths (literally traveling across continents and oceans to iconic locations) to be in the "right" spot at the "right" time where they can then work feverishly to apply gnd / polarizer / warming filter techniques to "dramatize" something or another that is never quite dramatic enough for them as it '"naturally" presents itself. After which there is the virtuoso performance / application of a plethora of post-picturing techniques that serve to further "dramatize" the apparently undramatic and emphasize their preeminent position amongst the ever-swelling ranks of Photoshop Pinball Wizards.

Ok. Fine. Sure. Everybody's got to have a hobby. But, what I can't help but wonder about is that so many fantasy-makers are attracted to a medium that has as a primary distinguishing characteristic, which separates from the other arts, its intrinsic relationship with / as a cohort with the real.

I find it very disconcerting and highly ironic that so many picture makers of the landscape variety - who profess to love and appreciate the natural world - want to make pictures that offer very little regarding the truth and reality of that world.

FYI, the picture of Ponte Vecchio - the bridge street scene - illustrates the fact that the entire bridge street level is lined, wall-to-wall, with small jewelry shops. The wife can be observed looking (longingly?) at some of the wares on offer. None of it was "junk" jewelry, at least not in price.


tuscany # 94-97 - some trees

"Umbrella" tree ~ Cortona, Tuscana• click to embiggen
Tuscan trees ~ Tuscana • click to embiggen


tuscany # 93 - another stunningly beautiful day

A piazza ~ Firenze, Tuscana • click to embiggen
4 frames auto-stitched + some hand stitching in Photoshop.

We were making our way back to the train station after a day visit to Firenze (Florence) when we came upon this piazza. After a rainy day, the early evening / late afternoon light was nice and warm.


tuscany # 92 - it was a stunningly beautiful day

Tuscan landscape ~ Bagnoro, Tuscana • click to embiggen
2 frames, auto-stitched in Photoshop.


food & beverage

Appetizer • click to embiggen
Wine sediment • click to embiggen
It's all good


ku # 661-64 ~ the word of god according to Mark - the Landscapist, not the apostle

Fallen rock ~ Taughannock Falls, NY • click to embiggen
Chasm walls / shale ~ Taughannock Falls, NY • click to embiggen
There's seems to be a bit of confusion re: yesterday's I once was blind, but now I see entry -

....aside from the fact that the turnip and the pope kind of look alike, I'm not sure what you're trying to say here..... - Paul Maxim

and, courtesy of Frank (no link)

It's clear what you are saying though and it has nothing to do with photography or art.

It seems that Paul has taken umbrage with Frank's response to his comment although I am not exactly clear on the intent of Frank's comment, re: to which "you" he is referring - is he stating that what I am saying with my pope quotes "has nothing to do with photography or art", or, is he stating that Paul's comment, re: the pope's hat, "has nothing to do with photography or art"?

But, that issue aside, my entry itself may have been a source of confusion for many so I would like to clear a few things up -

1. I have not had a religious epiphany / conversion of any kind.

2. While I offered up the excepts from the Pope's letter to include all of his references to God, The Creator, The Spirit, religion / religious, etc. in exactly the form and manner he intended, let me be perfectly clear - I do not personally subscribe to his God-based theology. I can state without reservation, as stated by British philosopher Bertrand Russel, "I am not a Christian."

3. While I am not a Christian, I do subscribe to many Christian beliefs - I think that the Christian bible - amongst a vast host of other documents both "religious" and "secular" - does contain some great notions - AKA, "truths" - about living a good life.

4. Contingent upon item # 3, I therefore look for wisdom, truth, knowledge, guidance, insight, etc., etc., wherever and however it might present itself. Consequently, I find much to consider, re: art, in the LETTER OF HIS HOLINESS POPE JOHN PAUL II TO ARTISTS.

To wit, as an example, I agree with Pius II that:

1. "None can sense more deeply than you artists, ingenious creators of beauty that you are, something of the pathos with which God at the dawn of creation looked upon the work of his hands."

I tend to "interpret" that passage - removing the god stuff - as stating that artists have been graced with the ability (through their own hard work? through a preternatural / genetic "gift"?) to see / perceive the mystery / wonder of the universe in a different manner than non-artists.

Now, before anyone gets their knickers in a twist, re: smug, arrogant, elitist, "special insight from god" horse shit, what I have stated is that artists see / perceive in a different manner than non-artists, NOT a "better" manner or any other manner that asserts superiority.

That said, that manner of seeing / perceiving is, in fact, "superior" when it comes to the making of art but not so, as an example, when it comes to the making of good science. Although, it is worth noting that it was Einstein who suggested that imagine is more important than knowledge. Although, it is also worth noting that he seemed to be stating - when considering his other statements re; knowledge - that imagination is an important tool in the cause of discovering more knowledge.

2. "Every genuine artistic intuition goes beyond what the senses perceive and, reaching beneath reality's surface, strives to interpret its hidden mystery. The intuition itself springs from the depths of the human soul, where the desire to give meaning to one's own life is joined by the fleeting vision of beauty and of the mysterious unity of things."

IMO, this passage needs no de-godding. It is right on the money.

3. "... artists of every age—captivated by the hidden power of sounds and words, colours and shapes ..."

Once again, IMO, this passage needs no de-godding. It is right on the money - ever know an artist who wasn't "captivated by the hidden power of sounds and words, colours and shapes" or not used / amplified that "hidden" power to inform and make their works?

3. And, of course, I agree completely and without reservation with Pius II in that "From chaos there rises the world of the spirit." - need I say more on this notion?

I could go on and on extrapolating and interpreting Pius II's words, but, as is also my wish / intent re: my pictures, I would hope that most of you are able to delve deeper beneath the surface of things and extrapolate / interpret things for yourself.

That said, in doing so, I would also hope that you might ask questions and/or make comments that might instigate discourse and discussion regarding the same.


ku # 659 ~ a mini cosmos

Early ice ~ in a standing water @ the Jay rapids/falls • click to embiggen