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This blog is intended to showcase my pictures or those of other photographers who have moved beyond the pretty picture and for whom photography is more than entertainment - photography that aims at being true, not at being beautiful because what is true is most often beautiful..

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Entries in people (57)


civilized ku # 2102 ~ profundity and the tableaux vivant

The netminder ~ Saranac Lake, NY - in the Adirondack Park • click to embiggenYesterday, I made this picture. Upon viewing the result, I have found it to be rather emotionally / intellectually unsettling. I am currently writing an expanded entry to follow this entry. That entry will delve into my thoughts on the reasons why I find the picture to unsettling.

However, before I post the follow up / expanded entry, I wanted to post just the picture in order to solicit your reaction / response - uninfluenced by my thoughts - to it.

Please indulge me in this request. I am very interested in reading about your reaction to it.


civilized ku 2087-91 ~ anything for hockey

Between periods / Saranac Lake HS vs Lake Placid HS ~ 1932 Olympic Rink - Lake Placid, NY - in the Adirondack Park • click to embiggen1044757-16786766-thumbnail.jpg
Snowy drive # 1 ~ Au Sable Forks > Lake Placid, NY - in the Adirondack Park • click to embiggen
Snowy drive # 2 ~ Au Sable Forks > Lake Placid, NY - in the Adirondack Park • click to embiggen
Snowy drive # 3 ~ Au Sable Forks > Lake Placid, NY - in the Adirondack Park • click to embiggen
Snowy drive # 4 ~ Au Sable Forks > Lake Placid, NY - in the Adirondack Park • click to embiggen
Last Thursday evening, I drove into Lake Placid to meet up with the Cinemascapist and Hugo to attend a high school hockey playoff game. There was a bit of a snow storm that made the driving interesting although I thought it made for nice pictures.

Re: nice pictures - as most know, I'm not one for gear talk but, giving credit where credit is due, one of the things I really like about µ4/3 gear is the small / lightweight / fast prime lenses that are available (with even more on the way). I truly appreciate these little gems.

Currently, I have 4 of these primes (1 is a 4/3 lens that I use with an adapter) and I plan to add 2 more - either the 12mm f2 or the 14mm f2.5 and the soon to be available 75mm f1.8. Once that plan is complete, I'll have a system very much like my Nikon F3/FM system (that would be the system that sits around unused), a system that was a delight to use but was a pain in the ass, figuratively speaking (a pain in neck and shoulders, literally speaking) to carry around.

FYI, it's also worth noting that the Nikon system would not have given me the opportunity to make the snowy drive pictures. Chances are good that I would not have had a fast enough film in the cameras for the light conditions and, even if I had a fast film in the bag, there was no way I could have changed it on the fly, as I did with the ISO setting on the Oly E-P(x).

And then there is the matter of the in-camera IS - these pictures were made with a 1/13 shutter speed, hand-held (with 1 hand while driving with the other hand). I seriously doubt there would have been any non-camera shake / blurred pictures if I had been using the Nikons.

BTW, lest it be said that I am a Oly µ4/3 fan-boy, let me state, "Long live compact mirrorless cameras with fast primes and in-camera IS."


civilized ku # 2084 / people ~ home invasion

Ian + others ~ Au Sable Forks, NY - in the Adirondack Park • click to embiggenEven though it felt and sounded like 25, our home was invaded by 5 7-and-under kids - last Saturday through today AM. It was the annual Presidents' Day weekend + holiday visit by some of the wife's family who come up from somewhat warmer places to partake in winter activities.

Of course, this year the word "winter" is an illusory nomenclature - while the ground might be hard as rock, there is little or no snow (dependent upon elevation) for things like sledding, XC skiing / snowshoeing, or just general frolicking about in what should be a winter wonderland.


civilized ku # 2074 ~ picturing your life

At rest on my parent's grave - on the occasion of the death of the ex-wife's husband ~ Mt. Hope Cemetery - Rochester, NY (concept by me / pictured by The Cinemascapist)• click to embiggenThanks for all the thoughtful comments, re: the emotionally charged ~ a question entry. As always, I really appreciate it and I believe such responses / discussions are both interesting and instructive for all concerned. Thanks again.

Some of the comments mentioned the idea and the problems / barriers / inhibitions of picturing people / strangers whom one might encounter on the street / in public places. That picture making MO most certainly qualifies as making pictures of people but it's not exactly what I had in mind when writing about emotionally charged picture making - in part because the genre known as street photography can very often produce pictures which are as "cool" and emotionally detached as landscape pictures.

IMO, in many cases (but certainly not all), the people in such pictures are somewhat less-than-interesting lifeless forms like a prop, a bush or a tree in a landscape picture. After all, it's got to be difficult (but not impossible) to create an emotionally charged picture of a person or persons with whom the picture makers has no intimate or personal knowledge or connection. That said, one of the exceptions to that situation is to be had at the scene of some sort of tragedy or spectacular event.

The lack, on the part of the picture maker, of personal knowledge of a street photography subject is also why (once again, IMO) so many pictures of people made in the name of that genre exhibit such lifeless expressions of the faces of the observed. Or, on the other hand, if the expression is not somewhat lifeless, it is one of awkwardness or oddness - a fleeting expression which, quite frankly, tells the viewer nothing about the subject other than the fact that at any given moment a person can be pictured with their tongue hanging out of their mouth or some such similar expression.

All of that said, my preference for people on the street pictures is in the vein of that practiced by Eliott Erwitt, Martine Barrat, Teenie Harris, or Bruce Davidson (most notably in his East 100th Street work). In their work, there is exhibited a much more well-rounded (emotionally) and a somewhat more intimate human connection to the people in their pictures. There is, if you will, a warmth that is severely lacking in much of the cool and detached gaze of their street photography counterparts.

That does not mean that everything and everyone in their pictures is all peaches and cream. There is plenty of dark-side content, actual and implied. There is also plenty of irony, paradox, and some wit to be found in their pictures. However, there is most definitely an underlying compassion and dignity, on the part of the picture maker toward their subjects, which is brought to bear in the act of their picture making.

In any event, I believe that one must be engaged on some level - other than the simple desire to make pictures - with the people one pictures in order capture emotionally imbued pictures. IMO, I believe Martine Barrat said it best when she stated that ...

... she photographs her life and sometimes she takes pictures: it isn't the same thing.

I couldn't have stated it better. And, in my experience, I make my most emotionally imbued pictures (sometimes highly charged) when I engage in the act of picturing my life. At other times, I take pictures. It's most definitely not the same thing.


civilized ku # 2071-73 ~ hodgepodge

2 garbage bins ~ Au Sable Forks, NY - in the Adirondack Park • click to embiggen

Coffee maker ~ Au Sable Forks, NY - in the Adirondack Park • click to embiggen

Hotel pool ~ Cherry Hill, NJ • click to embiggen

Images are enigmas which are solved by the heart. ~ Giordano Bruno


people ~ telling it like it is

Daughters and mother / on being told of her brother's death ~ Cherry Hill (area), NJ • click to embiggenI have prepared this picture for submission to an online exhibition, titled Mother (to be published on Mother's Day), on L E N S C R A T C H.

FYI, an automate PS photomerge of 2 1/2 frames with lots of manual correction work.


bubble girl

Blowing bubbles ~ Westport GC, Westport, NY - in the Adirondack PARK • click to embiggen


beyond category, picture wise ~ a wedding

A wedding / sample wedding book spread ~ Elizabethtown, NY - in the Adirondack PARK • click to embiggen
Back on the entry heaven and earth # 1-5, Colin Griffiths stated, "These are the first of your images that I can remember seeing on this blog that I would not immediately recognize as being your work."

Well, OK, but how about these pictures? At least the heaven and earth were square.

One thing I am not is a wedding photographer. I have made some pictures, none of which were of the standard wedding picture variety, at a few weddings of friends or family but never have I ever done a wedding for hire. However, and as the saying goes (never say "never"), I actually found myself doing a wedding for hire for an acquaintance. Although, "acquaintance" is perhaps too strong a word inasmuch as I know the groom because I purchased 2 new cars from him over the past 2 years. He's been good to me so, when he asked me to make pictures at his wedding, I decided to do good for him.

My normal response to such a request is to say "no". However, he immediately stipulated that he did not want all the standard wedding picture stuff. I stated that I could document the event with a few wedding party pictures thrown in for good measure and he said that would be great. So ....

I made about 330 pictures, 90% of which were made with the E-P1 / 20mm f1.7 lens combination - hardly the wedding photographer's camera of choice. And even though there were a number of wedding guests making pictures with their Canikon DSLRs, all the while looking at me like I had lobsters crawling out of my ears (why's he shooting with that little amateur camera?), the E-P1 performed flawlessly. No missed shots, no mis-focus, it just worked exceedingly well for the task at hand.

Were I to magically become a wedding photographer, I would be making wedding pictures with 2 E-P3s - 1 with the Lumix 20mm f1.7 + optical viewfinder, 1 with the Zuiko 45mm f1.8 - and, of course, a Leica Summilux 25mm f1.4 would also be in the bag.

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