man & nature # 24 ~ same as it ever was

Toll bridge • click to embiggenMy normal Jersey Shore thing is to simply avoid the oppressive heat and humidity. This entails staying inside in air conditioning and playing golf from a golf cart - 2 things that are not my favorite activities. Playing golf from a golf cart while sweating like you're in a sauna, ranks as one of my absolute least favorite things to do.
Going to the beach is not much fun for me since there are approximately 2 billion people on Stone Harbor beach during the day. Before 7AM or after 7PM the beach is virtually deserted, relatively cool, and, consequently, a refreshing place to be. But, other than the beach, unless you're into shopping for junk or designer stuff at the barrier island's 3×2 block "hub"/main street, there just ain't much to do in Stone Harbor.
I even stopped going on the annual sweat-fest for a few years. Cousins • clickBut then Hugo came along and he developed an abiding relationship with his cousins (inlaw) from the wife's family, including his girlfriend, Sophie - hey, they could get married since they're not blood kin. And, once a year the entire clan is at The Shore, so I'm back, albeit in an abbreviated form of 3-4 days.
Last year I decided to start picturing The Shore and, after a fledgling effort, I came away with some good stuff. That experience and this year's Meyerowitz "coincidence" provided the impetus to approach it a bit more seriously this year.
As coincidence would have it, this year The Jersey Shore put on quite a good light show. It gave me fog and mist, bright searing sunlight, some "classic" late day / evening shore light - a kind of soft hazy light, and one blazing sunset. It could not have been better, photography-wise. I felt lucky.
Relative to last year's fledgling effort and my intention to add those results to this year's results, Don asked: ... even though the images are a year apart, do you see a difference as far as your "making" of the images?
The short answer is, "No." Not at all. My modus operandi for picturing hasn't really changed in any significant way since ... well ... since I started getting serious about making picture that were more than entertainment, which would have been around 1980. Other than the obvious difference of format, square vs. rectangle, and my now standard vignette, my approach to and the results of my picturing hasn't changed much at all.
Check out some of my 8×10 view camera work from that time. IMO, the trademark MH/Landscapist plain seeing is as evident then as it is now. And, notice the black film edges, the ones that I mimic in my current work.
I think it would be fair to say that either I have found my groove or that I am stuck in a rut, depending upon your point of view.
In any event, getting back to yesterday's dilema, I have been exploring photo gallery site options and came across one that gives a free, full-features, 10 day trail. So, I have given it a test spin and posted 32 of my Shore Light pictures.
You can see it HERE. Please check it out and let me know what you think about it. More about the site itself than the pictures - things like the look, feel, and functionality of the site. Although, one of the functions of the site is the ability to leave comments on the individual pictures, so feel free to have a say.
FYI, once you click on "Shore Light" in the "Gallery" drop down menu, a bunch of pictures appear. Click on the first one, or any one for that matter, and it launches into a viewing window with all the thumbnails on the right side.