Sun dappled sand bank and ledge ~ Bog River • click to embiggenA few of you have opted in to the folio sales/swap endeavor. A few of you have questions and suggestions -
Martin Doonan mentioned "the fear that my work isn't halfway good enough to participate". I suspect that more than a few have the same "fear". My advice relative for that "fear" is to make a folio, submit it and let the audience be the judge of whether or not your work is halfway good enough. Many picture makers are the worst judge of their own work - it's a very common fear / worry amongst artists of all persuasions. I also suspect that quite a bit of work that is more than halfway good enough never gets to see the public light of day due to that fear. More's the pity.
The only solution for that fear (aka - the fear of rejection), aside from years of very expensive psychoanalysis, is to just let it all hang out and see what happens. As the saying goes in hockey terms, "shoot the damn puck" - 100% of the shots not taken don't go in the net. If you want to score, you've got to shoot the puck.
Mary Dennis mentioned that "waiting around for a bunch of people to say they are on board with you" was a not good idea. I agree so I am plowing ahead regardless.
Mary also asked, "Would this be a site unto itself with an identity separate from The Landscapist? The answer is, "yes". It's already set up and waiting for folios at squarespace.folios.com
No One asked, "Will there be any cost involved?" The answer is, "yes". There will be a 1-time (very nominal) fee of $15 US per folio to cover page creation - each folio will have a gallery page on which to display the folio pictures and a brief description (folio/print size, print type, paper type, folio box type, any other pertinent folio info, and an artist statement).
>At this time the site will not take a commission on sales. The only cost to the artist is the page / gallery set up fee.
>All fulfillment and payment arrangements for folio sales are solely the responsibility of the individual artist. A "Contact The Artist" (email) link will be provided on each folio page.
BTW, any and all photo genres are welcome and folios will be organized by category (with artist names) on the front/home page.
That's about it for now. Please feel free to ask questions and/or make suggestions - this is truly a work in progress.