FYI ~ I feel like I just met the Pope and the President

Yesterday, with one single objective in mind, I left home and drove into the teeth of a pretty severe Nor'easter. A Nor'easter that continues to this hour (10AM) as I sit here in NYC typing this entry.
The sledding, er, I mean the driving got pretty dicey for the last 100 miles. Vehicles were pirouetting into the ditches at a remarkable rate and I was L(ing)OL at the fact that about every 3rd ditch digger was in one BMX x-drive (AWD) vehicle or another. Just as in picture making, money might get you very nice equipment, but it doesn't make you a good picture maker. Or, as in the case of BMW X-drive vehicles, it doesn't make you a good driver.
In any event, speaking of picture making, the single objective that drove from the safety and warmth of my home was an invitation to the opening reception for the exhibit, Pioneers of Color: Stephen Shore ~ Joel Meyerowitz ~ William Eggleston. As the saying says, wild horses wouldn't / couldn't have kept me away, and the wild-horses encumbrance in this case was the aforementioned Nor'easter. I even had my winter hiking gear in the car just in case I had to walk to get there.
As it turned out, our little Suzuki SX4 AWD handled the driving challenge with remarkable aplomb so I didn't need the winter gear until I got out on the sidewalks after I arrived in NYC. Which I did with just enough time to arrive at my friend's place in the East Village, have a beer, freshen up, put on my gallery gear, hop in cab, and, $15 later, arrive ever-so-slightly fashionably-late at the Edwynn Houk Gallery.
Was it worth it? Oh, yeah - absolutely no doubt about it. The exhibit itself was stunning in an indexical kind of way. I know that because that's what Joel Meyerowitz, in a one-on-one conversation with me, said it was. He and Stephen Shore (again, one-on-one with little old me) also told me a bunch of other stuff that I will share with you - along with some pictures of the reception / gallery - when I return home after, once again, driving into the teeth of the same Nor'easter which is "stuck" over NYC and the Hudson Valley - it's not going to drift away, it's gonna stay put until it blows/snows itself out.