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This blog is intended to showcase my pictures or those of other photographers who have moved beyond the pretty picture and for whom photography is more than entertainment - photography that aims at being true, not at being beautiful because what is true is most often beautiful..

>>>> Comments, commentary and lively discussions, re: my writings or any topic germane to the medium and its apparatus, are vigorously encouraged.

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Entries in FYI stuff (144)


FYI ~ please read

For those of you who are waiting on pins and needles for my anti-noise freaks rant, I apologise. I got distracted.

A big part of what has distracted me is the Newsweek article, Is Photography Dead? and, to a somewhat lesser extent, the discussion about it on The Online Photographer.

You might want to read the article. Tomorrow's entry will address the topic and I'd love to have a lively disccusion about it on The Landscapist.



There is some important info about me and The Landscapist in an update on urban ku # 141. You might want to check it out.


FYI - my little prison cell

My little prison cellclick to embiggen
This is where I have been spending my time the past day and half.

It's a really boring experience in as mush as you sit and wait for a press sheet to check and then spent maybe 10 minutes checking, finding issues, talking to the press guy. Then he goes away and you wait until he comes back with the next sheet.Then you repeat the above. You do this until the sheet is 'right', then you sit and wait for hours until the press run is done.

Then you do it again with the next sheet....


FYI ~ Wildness Close to Home Gallery is open

I have finally set up the new Wildness Close to Home Gallery. A link to the gallery is on the Navigation sidebar.

Over the next day I will be sending out emails with login info and posting instructions to those who asked to participate . If you asked to participate but DO NOT receive an email within the next day, please email me again.

Hope you've all been out picturing and have lots to post.


FYI ~ more of my dramascapes


Sometimes I forget to remember some of the stuff I've done, photography-wise. I get all wrapped up in what's happening now and hindsight disappears.

So I have to thank Aaron for his recent mention of the inspiration he took from some of my earlier panoramic pictures - all of which were editorial or commercial projects. I did, on rare occasions, use the pano cameras for family snapshot stuff - my mom in her casket and the like - but they were mainly put to use making money.

As I mentioned before, like Aaron, I really appreciated the format's ability to capture staged or found story tableaux. The resulting pictures really captured and held a viewers attention. Editors, art directors, designers and clients loved it.

My only problem with the format is that I never put it to use Aaron is.


1. Slag heap at steel mill - corporate brochure
2. Equipment repair and maintenance at steel mill - corporate brochure
3. Influential business person - editorial
4. Influential business person - editorial
5. W&J College - student recruitment brochure
6. W&J College - student recruitment brochure


FYI ~ help a guy out here

FYI, Jim Jirka, one of the only regular contributors to the Guest Photographers Forum, has posted 3 pictures, that he is looking for fedback on. It seems that he's a little frustrated with feedback on another forum that "just isn’t giving me any help on these".

Jim has not stated exactly what kind of help he's looking for but I am certain that feedback and comments from the smarter class of visitors that frequent The Landscapist will be of value to Jim.

So, take a moment and help a guy out.


FYI ~ ya learn somethin' new everyday

1044757-1116034-thumbnail.jpg1044757-1116068-thumbnail.jpg1044757-1116078-thumbnail.jpg1044757-1116089-thumbnail.jpg1044757-1116099-thumbnail.jpgAs I was checking my Recent Came From stats, I noticed a link form a site that I wasn't familiar with so I clicked to check it out. Surprise, surprise - it's a site that Aaron posts on.

And there, in all it's radiant glory was one of my photographs (the 'death' photo above) - one that Aaron stated is "the main image that was/is the inspiration for all of my work. I loved how the panoramic in close quarters captured all of the action and emotion of the scene ..."

Well, scratch my back with a hacksaw. I didn't know that. It's surprising what you find out on the world wide web - as opposed to, say, from the horse's mouth.

FYI, these pictures (a few of over 50 that were used) were made with 2 Widelux cameras - one 35mm format, one 120 format - for a coffee table book, Allegheny General ~ Portrait of an Urban Hospital. I still have the 35mm version although, like most of my roll film cameras, it sits mostly unused. When I was using it for editorial and commercial clients, I used it almost exclusively for interior work because, as Aaron likes with his Cinemascapes, a lot of information and activity can be packed into a single visual tableau.

Captions -

1. Aftermath/Death in the ER (look closely - that' a wide-open chest cavity)
2. Before the death in the ER - trying desparately to save him
3. Lead ER surgeon in the cafeteria after the death in the ER
4. Birth/Life
5. Open-heart surgery (I won't show you the close-ups)


FYI ~ one hot property

Aaron's Cinemascapes continue to garner attention from around the world. Today, he got a nice mention on theonlinephotographer and, in a bizarre twist, on - Le blog d'une nana (The blog of a chick), who is very concerned with fashion and shopping.