FYI ~ A career in photography

For those of you out there who are contemplating leaving their day job for a full time career in photography, might I suggest the rather eclectic and little practiced speciality field of Photo with the Parrot.
Here's what i know about it - one day in the early 80s, the X, the kids, and I were in NYC visiting a friend. We all went to Little Italy during the St. Anthony (of Giovinazzo) festival. The place was mobbed but we were able to get into the restaurant our friend wanted us to experience. It was a decidedly relaxed establishment replete with a rather large all-black clad mama mia who roamed the premise singing (accompanied by a very handsome and swarthy young guitarist).
The crowd were well into their cups and much revelry was in evidence. In short, a good time was being had by all when, in the front door, came the gentleman, his parrot, and his Polaroid cameras. Even with all the din, it only took one pronouncement of "Get yer photo with the parrot." to set off a near frenzy of eager patrons.
At $3.00 a pop, he was raking it in as fast as his SX-70s could spit 'em out. He seemed to have an endless supply of Time-Zero film and, more importantly, the parrot seemed to be on some kind of parrot-downers. It was remarkably calm in the clamor and high-jinks that surrounded it. I kept waiting for it to rip off some inebriated patron's ear, but it just went calmly about its business with a remarkable amount of patience and aplomb.
While everyone else was having their picture taken with the parrot, I offered the photographer double his regular fee if I could take his picture with the parrot (and my kids). He, of course, obliged.
After his stint in the restaurant, he went out into the street where he was again mobbed by eager patrons. As best as I could tell, this guy was raking in at least $100 an hour. Not bad at all in 1980 dollars.
Also, as best as I can tell, here's the formula for success - several Polaroid cameras, lots of Polaroid film, locations with large gatherings preferably with readily available liquor and beer, a well-adjusted parrot (or maybe 2 - keep one in relief), and lots of patience with intoxicated patrons.
Oh yeah, and don't forget the hat and sweatshirt.