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Entries in diptych (186)


civilized ku # 3005 / diptych # 183 ~ same as it ever was

window / 20 Main ~ Au Sable Forks, NY - in the Adirondack PARK • click to embiggen
No. 4 / rusting hulk ~ near Keeseville, NY - in the Adirondack PARK • click to embiggen

Recently, while reading a person-not-a-dective-but-functioning-as-one novel which was written / published in 1964, I came across this early anti-acamdeic lunatic fringe commentary encountered by the book's protagonist as he was killing some time reading an art publication. Hence, Today's Artspeak Gobbledygook ....

The art magazine told me that when abstract expressionism reflected utter disenchantment with the dream it still reverted to rhetorical simplifications even in its impiety, and that it is not a unified stylistic entity because of its advocacy of alien ideas on the basis of a homiletic approach to experience.

The protagonist's reaction / response to the written word was a sarcastic, "Funny I'd never realized that."

Apparently, my distain for the workings of the academic lunatic fringe, Photography Division, is a time-honored tradition reaching much farther back than I realized.


diptych # 182 ~ trees, trees and more trees

trees ~ Old Montreal in Quebec, Canada / Arezzo Region in Tuscany, Italy • click to embiggen
the mother lode / trees screen grab ~ • click to embiggen

Had an overnight stay in Lake Placid. Leaving LP shortly to get to Plattsburgh for a doctor appointment (scheduled checkup) so by necessity this entry is short and sweet.


diptych # 179-80 ~ truck graveyard

rusting truck / wheels ~ Au Sable Forks, NY - in the Adirondack PARK • click to embiggen
rusting truck / wheel ~ Au Sable Forks, NY - in the Adirondack PARK • click to embiggen


diptych # 178 / pinhole # 13 ~ 3 pictures a few feet apart

looking at Vermont ~ Lake Champlain / Peru, NY - in the Adirondack PARK • click to embiggen
driftwood ~ Lake Champlain / Peru, NY - in the Adirondack PARK • click to embiggen


ku # 1350 / triptych # / 26 / diptych # 176 / ~ a brief interlude

Canadian corn stalks ~ on the road to Montreal , QC • click to embiggen
dining & imbibing establishments ~ Lake Placid, NY / Old Montreal, QC • click to embiggen
light around the house ~Au Sable Forks, NY - in the Adirondack PARK • click to embiggen

While I'm working on my next 1/5 second entry (for later today), I am posting this entry of back logged pictures made over the past week.

The pictures in the triptych - dining & imbibing establishments - were made over a 24 hr. period last Wednesday / Thursday. L-R: our Anniversary dinner at Interlaken in Lake Placid / killing time in the bar at Auberge Du Vieux-Port, Old Montreal / dinner at Stash Cafe with my good friend from Philadelphia, Old Montreal.

diptych # 174-75 ~ end of the line

highway retainer wall ~ Keene, NY - in the Adirondack PARK • click to embiggen
Lake Champlain ~ Peru, NY - in the Adirondack PARK • click to embiggen

I am approaching the end of the line, fall color picture wise. There are way more leaves on the ground than in the trees at this point so autumnal color is very much on the wane. However, the on-the-ground detritus of autumnal color is a thing that really pricks my eye and sensibilities. So, I'll be out and about looking for and picturing evidence of post autumnal color detritus and decay.

diptych # 173 / ku # 1334-35 ~ A good photograph is never "about light"

Autumn trees with water ~ near Clintonville, NY / near Au Sable Forks, NY- in the Adirondack PARK • click to embiggen
Autumn red in field ~ Jay, NY - in the Adirondack PARK • click to embiggen
grasses in the wind ~ Keeseville, NY - in the Adirondack PARK • click to embiggen

In the interest of complete disclosure, I must admit that I do make pictures of Autumn color in sunlight.

That admission aside, no matter what light one chooses to make pictures - sunlight, overcast light, in the gloaming, et al - of the Autumnal leaves display, I truly believe that the very good pictures which can be had with a variety of light conditions is proof positive of 2 of Brooks Jensen's notions - gleaned from his Things I've Learned About Photography - that ....

A good photograph is never "about light". Good photographs are about feelings.


There is no such thing as "good" or "bad" photographic light. There is just light.

Neither of these 2 statements should be construed as meaning that the kind / characteristic of light one uses in order to make a picture which conveys / illustrates an intended idea and fosters an intended feeling doesn't matter. Of course it does. However that is a whole different ball game than "chasing the light", the singular pursuit of a specific type of "good" light which becomes little more than a picture making fetish.

However, that written, and for my eye and sensibilities, my picture making is not dependent upon a specific quality of light because I like to picture what is as it is when I see it.

ku # 1332 / diptych # 172 ~ representational by nature

old rail bed ~ heading toward Keeseville, NY - in the Adirondack PARK • click to embiggen
Autumnal nitty gritty ~ Keene, NY - in the Adirondack PARK • click to embiggen

Yesterday's entry was essentially built around a quote from the writings of James Agee. Today's entry is of the same genesis with a kicker from Bernice Abbott.

I have always appreciated and taken to heart in my picture making the idea expressed by James Agee in this quote:

.... in the immediate world, everything is to be discerned, for him who can discern it, and centrally and simply, without either dissection into science, or digestion into art, but with the whole of consciousness, seeking to perceive it as it stands: so that the aspect of a street in sunlight can roar in the heart of itself as a symphony, perhaps as no symphony can: and all of consciousness is shifted from the imagined, the revisive, to the effort to perceive simply the cruel radiance of what is.

Interesting enough, this Agee sentiment is very often found on the web (primarily on photo sites) with the section "for him who can discern it, and centrally and simply, without either dissection into science, or digestion into art" redacted. I would assume that most picture makers consider themselves to be making art so, therefore, they seem to think that Agee is disparaging art in that segment of his quote.

If so, I completely disagree.

In his writings on picture making, Agee has essentially argued for his preference for straight picture making. That is, the making of pictures without artistic pretense, effects, and affectations. Pictures which do not exhibit elements of revisive acts of the imagination but rather those which are straight forward picturing acts which accurately represent a referent as it stands. An act that Agree believed could be most realized by the use of a camera. Or, as Bernice Abbott wrote:

If a medium is representational by nature of the realistic image formed by a lens, I see no reason why we should stand on our heads to distort that function. On the contrary, we should take hold of that very quality, make use of it, and explore it to the fullest. - Berenice Abbott

That written, and getting back to the Agee quote, I suspect that many are confused / troubled by the phrase "...the cruel radiance of what is." How does one reconcile cruel - willfully causing pain or suffering - to the that of radiance - a quality of brightness and happiness / a warm, soft light that shines from something? How is it possible for "brightness and happiness" to be "cruel"? Or, was Agee using the word radiance to signify the idea of radiant - sending out light; shining or glowing brightly?

Without trying to parse this phrase to the point of incomprehensible gibberish, I would suggest that Agee was was using the word cruel to refer to the difficult and demanding task of confronting the real world as it stands. That is, the difficulty of doing so without resorting to comforting and revisive rationalizations and imaginings which disengage one from the actuality of what is.

Radiance, good or bad (it is possible for someone to radiate hatred for example), is cruel inasmuch as it gives no quarter. It is in its essence, exactly what it is, nothing more, nothing less*. The fact of the matter, IMO, is simple. The radiance emanating from what is is cruel in the sense that it demands, for him who can discern it, that it be dealt with head on, forthwith and clear headed.

An aside: Given Agee's writing skill, which was considerable, I also believe his use of the word "radiance" was quite apt (and intentionally so) inasmuch as he was writing in this instance about the medium of photography. I think no coincidence that radiance - the emission of light - is linked to that of the medium which depends entirely upon light. End of aside

In any event, for the most part I like experiencing virtually all things in and of the world head on. That is, experiencing them for what they are (albeit my perception of what they are), not for what I wish them to be. That is why I picture referents - in as much as the medium and its apparatus allow - as they stand.

*human perception and interpretation of what one thinks it is is another (unavoidable) matter all together.
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