pictures + words ~ pictures 1-4, words a-d

# 1 • click to embiggen
# 2 • click to embiggen
a • click to embiggen
b • click to embiggen
c • click to embiggen
d • click to embiggen
# 3 • click to embiggen
# 4 • click to embiggenAs previously noted, the pictures + words project was introduced to the gallery-going public on Saturday last. The work from this nascent project, a collaboration between myself and a writer, Cynthia Hecht, was exhibited in a group show at a gallery in Phoenica, NY. At this early stage of the game, we were grateful for the opportunity to exhibit the work and garner some feedback - a kinda "taking the show on the road" in order to polish the act sorta thing.
Our work, which was exhibited alongside a broad range of artwork, genre wise, was most definitely the most demanding work in exhibit. That is to write, if one were to "get it" or even just try to "get it", it required a concentrated effort in assimilating both the writings and the pictures (diptychs) and addressing the notion of how there are related. Add to that endeavor the thought involved in determining how the individual pictures in each diptych are also related* ... it takes a fair amount more than a glancing look to get into the work.
That written, a reasonable number of attendees did take the time to get into the work (favorite comment = "This is serious work."), especially so considering the fact that there was prodigious amount of cheap wine swilling, homemade finger food munching, and socializing afoot.
In any event, Cynthia and I came away from the event feeling good about the work and energized to "keep on truckin'", project wise. (FYI, that last phrase was influenced by the fact that, with Phoenica's very close proximity to Woodstock, the gallery audience was heavy weighted toward the well-age 60s counterculture - aka, hippy - crowd).
FYI, the pictures in the exhibit are exhibited as a grouping which is separate from the grouping of the writings. As previously noted, the writings and pictures are not related to one another, as in, specific writings are not caption-wise related to specific diptychs. It is our intent to let the writings and pictures stand as independent thought invoking entities. Although, it is our hope that observers of the ADjoined / COjoined works will make the connection between the two seemingly different works.
*As a kinda visual helper, I did include one diptych in the exhibit in which the individual pictures were quite obviously connected - a diptych which provoked some laughing-out-loud reactions. Don't know if the diptych will remain as a permanent part of the project.