diptych # 47 ~ tone it down a notch or two

A sign of things to come ~ Au Sable Forks, NY - in the Adirondack Park • click to embiggenAutumn color is so much more than, as they are at times referred to in these here parts, "flaming leaves". Although, to be fair, in a marketing application that nomenclature does draw in the leaf peepers and their $$$$$ like flies on stink.
However, as anyone familiar with the landscapist knows, I don't get off on screaming color, or, for that matter, dramatic romanticized landscapes. That's simply because I am much more appreciative of the finer things - finer, as in: delicate, subtle, or sensitive in quality, perception, or discrimination - in life and art, as opposed to the strum und drang ethic - the aim of shocking an audience or imbuing them with extremes of emotion - of over-the-top picture making intentions, very often pursued and accomplished by the use of the Hue & Saturation slider to the max.
That written, it's also worth pointing out that those familiar with the landscapist have read, on quite a number of ocassions, the previous sentiment in various guises / presentations - some might even inclined to opine, ad nauseam.
Nevertheless, it a personal preference shared by many and well worth repeating for those wishing to move beyond pretty picture making and into the picturing world of making pictures of expressive consequence. In that regard I am in complete agreement with Robert Adams:
... I suspect that there will be those who will put the new technology to respectful use ... We know from experience that the pictures we treasure, the ones that sustain us, are independent of fashion. Sometimes it helps to be reminded, for courage.