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This blog is intended to showcase my pictures or those of other photographers who have moved beyond the pretty picture and for whom photography is more than entertainment - photography that aims at being true, not at being beautiful because what is true is most often beautiful..

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Journal Entry by gravitas et nugalis on March 5, 2009
Decay still life ~ scanner photography • click to embiggen A few years back I started a decay project that I let slide. It involved finding dead/decaying things from the world of nature, bringing them into the house, and scanning them on my scanner. As you may be able to discern from these scanner ...
Journal Entry by gravitas et nugalis on March 17, 2008
Mice 'n beans • Click to embiggen Here's a quick follow up to last Friday's post, Decay # 12 . The wife requested that I dispose of this specimen on an expedited basis. Apparently, dried beans with mice turds has crossed over a line. On the other hand, I find it interesting that the beans had be ...
Journal Entry by gravitas et nugalis on November 29, 2007
1 week old wishbone • click to embiggen One of the primary stumbling blocks to my Decay series is going to be the problem of breaking the wife of her filthy habit of not being filthy. Or, to be more accurate, of her habit of not wanting to keep decaying matter around the house. Even though there are ...
Journal Entry by gravitas et nugalis on March 14, 2008
Beans • click to embiggen doesn't take much to see that the problems of three little people don't amount to a hill of beans in this crazy world ... Here's looking at you kid. OK. Fine. I'll stop with the Rick's Café Americain quotes.
Journal Entry by gravitas et nugalis on January 22, 2009
Saran wrapped peppers with zucchini and lemon • click to embiggen One thing that I have discovered with my decay series is that, during my selected subject decay/fermenting process, things decay in a different manner if they are sealed in saran wrap than if they are exposed to the air.
Journal Entry by gravitas et nugalis on November 17, 2010
Remains • click to embiggen Albeit unintentional, the wife finally got with the decay program. Normally, I must wait around - sometimes days, sometimes weeks - while various things decay to the point of a picture-worthy state but, over the weekend, the wife shortened the wait time by going to bed ...
Journal Entry by gravitas et nugalis on December 7, 2007
A decay potpourri • click to embiggen Kent Wiley asked , " I'm really wondering how far you're prepared to go with these decay images. And how far we'll be willing to follow !" Also, Jimmie Nuffin asked, " Will "The Wife" permit you to leave the rotting food there long enough for it to reach the p ...
Journal Entry by gravitas et nugalis on April 7, 2008
Cantaloupe and grater • click to embiggen Amongst many things , I have always considered the act of picturing to be an act in the process of self-discovery. Why one pictures, what one pictures and how one pictures it speaks volumes about the photographer, especially so (but not entirely limited to ...
Journal Entry by gravitas et nugalis on December 6, 2007
Pepper # 1, one week later • click to embiggen This is actually my green pepper from Decay # 1 . I'm glad I didn't toss it. The wife was going to but she asked first. I think I'll hang on to it a while longer, but I can see that I'm going to have to find a decaying space somewhere out of sight and s ...
Journal Entry by gravitas et nugalis on April 18, 2008
<Green water and sunflowers • click to embiggen Everyone here knows of my 'thing' for the real / truth in photography. Unless, of course, you're a relative newbie and haven't spent the last 50 hours of your life reading the archives. If you have been following my postulations, opinions, theorie ...

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